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​Research on Acupuncture in People with Breast Cancer and Other Types of Cancer
Much research is being done on how acupuncture can help relieve some of the symptoms of cancer and side effects of cancer treatment. Acupuncture has been shown to help relieve fatigue, hot flashes, nausea, vomiting, and pain.
The most thorough study of acupuncture in breast cancer patients was published in Journal of the American Medical Association in 2000. In the study, 104 women undergoing high-dose chemotherapy were given traditional anti-nausea medication. In addition to taking the medication, the women were randomly chosen to receive 5 days of electroacupuncture (acupuncture in which needles are stimulated with a mild electrical current), acupuncture without an electrical current, or no acupuncture. The women who had acupuncture had significantly fewer nausea episodes than those who didn't.
This information is provided by Breastcancer.org.
Breast Cancer Now
Acupuncture is a traditional form of Chinese medicine. Some people with breast cancer believe acupuncture helps with some side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea and sickness, when given alongside conventional anti-sickness drugs. Others believe acupuncture may also help reduce pain or menopausal symptoms. It could also help improve your mood and reduce anxiety.
Acupuncture May Reduce Treatment-Related Joint Pain for Breast Cancer Patients
Acupuncture can reduce joint pain caused by drugs called aromatase inhibitors, according to results from a large, rigorous study of this approach in postmenopausal women with early-stage breast cancer.